In this module, you:

  • Developed questions that require the collection of data
  • Used appropriate instrument to collect data
  • Classified the collected data as categorical or numerical
  • Organised the collected data using tallies and frequency tables
  • Used recorded mass/weight data together with recorded length/height data to calculate BMI values and determine the weight status for adults
  • Used recorded mass/weight data, recorded length data, calculated BMI values and appropriate growth charts including the road to health chart to monitor the growth patterns of children.

  • A careful reading of tables/graphs is a crucial skill in solving mathematical problems. Teachers should give learners enough opportunities, during contact time, to practise and develop this skill
  • Teachers must incorporate large numbers in their lessons, across all topics in Mathematical Literacy. It is advisable that every assessment (formal or informal) task should involve a problem on big numbers so that learners can familiarise themselves with them
  • Learners should be taught how a trend should be described
  • Teachers should teach learners first to make sense of the information before attempting the questions.


This is the end of the e-SSIP training and we trust that it was informative and fruitful. You have been equipped with the Term 3 subject content and ICT skills. You have been provided with the teaching tips on how to approach each sub-topic or content simplification.  All of the above mentioned skills will enable you to manage and enhance teaching, learning and assessment in the classroom effectively. Please share the knowledge gained with other colleagues within your PLCs.

  1. DBE NSC Question Papers, 2014 – 2019
  2. GDE Preliminary Question Papers, 2018/19
  3. Mathematical Literacy CAPS
  4. Other Provinces Preliminary Question Papers, 2018/19
  5. 2017 – 19 Examination Guidelines
  6. 2019 GDE ATP