Unit 5 – Strategies for creating a positive learning culture, ethics, values and their application in the school environment

The learning outcomes for this unit are:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of behavior change leading to a positive learning culture.
  • Outline the impact of monitoring, evaluation and reporting for school improvement.
What is change management?

Change management is the process of monitoring and facilitating change at any level. It is up to management teams to determine how this change will be addressed, develop the process, and determine the best way to execute and apply it. As a result, training with all stakeholders within the school is required. A common phrase used is “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”
Change management training should be based on the future needs of the organization rather than on the current needs of the organization.

Now that you have a general idea of what change management training entails, the following podcast will build on this foundation by introducing you to the four stages of competence. 

To download the podcast,  and choose click here.
To download the transcript for the podcast click here

The process of monitoring and evaluation.

Over and above effective planning, Quality Service Delivery demands a support, monitoring and accountability framework for all stakeholders involved in the schooling process. Monitoring processes must be done such that they improve open communication, transparency and consultation in all schools.

What is monitoring?

Monitoring is a managerial action whereby managers make certain that actual activities correspond with planned activities, such as:

  • Good planning, organizing and guidance are important; however, the execution of these managerial tasks is no guarantee that the objectives will be achieved.
  • Monitoring is consequently important to make certain that the actual achievement is in accordance with the realization of the intended outcomes.
  • Monitoring can be both internal and external.

As public institutions, Schools need to account and report on the effective utilization of state-funded resources and any other resources obtained as a result of funds raised by the school.

Accountability is underpinned by all planning and reporting processes and demands a commitment to well-defined outcomes and indicators by all staff members.

What is reporting?

Reporting forms an integral part of the support and monitoring framework. All reports must be structured to ensure that they are meaningful. The South African Schools Act, Section 16A requires that a Principal must prepare and submit to the Head of Department an annual report in respect of the academic performance of that School and the effective use of available resources.
The South African Schools Act, Section 18(2)(e) requires that the governing body renders “a report on its activities to parents, learners, educators and other staff of the school at least once a year”.
At the end of each academic year, all Schools must provide a detailed report showing the correlation between curriculum delivery/management, learner support and learner results.

Optional resource: The South African Schools Act.