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We are thrilled to have you join us on this learning journey. Whether you’re here to gain new skills, deepen your knowledge, or pursue your passions, we’re committed to providing you with a supportive and engaging learning experience.

Programme outcomes

At the end of the training, SGBs should be able to: 

  • Offer support to schools that will afford them an opportunity to perform and produce good results. 
  • Gain valuable insight from provincial best practices. 
  • Identify threats that are hindering school progress and develop strategies to improve results. 
  • Analyse the data and inform their decision to support the schools.
Purposee of the programme

The manual sets out to provide guidance and support to SGBs on how to turn around underperforming schools and govern functional schools. Literature posits that the success of a school rests not only on the shoulders of its leadership and management, as SGBs are also a critical element of the functional school. The SASA directs SGBs to provide oversight and strategic direction so schools can achieve their set targets and improve learner outcomes. This manual intends to work with SGBs to provide support to their schools. The manual has a few activities that every SGB member should complete. The activities are designed to give SGBs practical guidance on drawing a plan of action, conducting strategic sessions, and seeking additional support for their schools. 

The training will be effectively conveyed through a workshop held over five Saturdays, which will occur fortnightly to ensure comprehensive understanding and engagement. SGB members will then design a plan of action that will be deciphered at the school level so that all school community members can take ownership of the plan to turn the school into a functional organisation.Â